Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Spider-Man from mars

spider man mars_1

I found a bizarre form of a spider on the ground at mars.

I named it the spider-man. This word of sure is copyrighted, here on earth, but not on mars. Therefore I can use it. But this is not at all the thing of importance about I will talk.

Do you know, I think of course you do so, the lines in the sand of the terrain of NAZCA?


The Spider/araƱa on NAZCA

There are many lines all around in the desert. One of them is very similar whit this I have found on Mars.

spider man mars_2

Is it causality or something else? Some times I spoke about the connection of earth and mars. This may be one more of the evidence of the similitude in artwork here and there. I know and you of sure too, all the knowledge of art and science comes from other worlds to us.

die spinne nazca  pan

nazca/spider         -            spider on mars

Greetings Josef Bauer

Fuente/credit: Mars Global Surveyor - Mars Orbiter Camera S1000780


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