Saturday, November 14, 2009

Neutrons and flowers


In Mars and UFOs Mysteries I show them how neutrons circulating around the core of atoms in flowers.

You can imagine the neutrons that circulate around the core of atoms are the particles of which matter is made of. In this case of this image the plant is called St.Rita.

Incredible, but matter is not matter. Matter is energy.

The energy is not energy. Energy is harmony.

Harmony is not harmony. Harmony is god.

God is not God. God is nothing.

Nothing, not is nothing. Nothing is everything.

Everything is not all. Everything is time.

Time is not time. Time is space.

Space is not space. Space is a singularity.

A singularity is not a singularity. Singularity is calm.

Calm is not calm. Calm is the symmetry.

The symmetry is not symmetry. Symmetry is the balance between chaos and order.

The chaos is not chaotic. The order is not an order.

Both are on alert status. This state is not a state.

The state is a constant alert. The constant is not constant.

The constant is a desire. The desire is not a desire.

Desire is an impulse. The impulse is not an impulse.

The momentum is evolution. The evolution is not evolution.

Evolution is life. Life is not life.

Life, we are. You and I, and flowers and...


Josef Bauer

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