Report: # 118
From something ordinary like a blue sky and clouds that cast shadows on the surface of the earth, it is an anomaly. In this short article I will not show any anomaly, but simply a beautiful landscape.
The only thing that we cannot forget is that most of my images analyzed are from Mars. If someone was preparing for a trip through a desert on earth, he burned now.
Or better yet, caught cold, because what like a desert on earth is also a desert, but a cold desert, and a little far away. It is not really so far, not so different. It is probably more similar than we imagine the planet Mars. Why is it that we imagine something different? Simply because of the propaganda, it gives a wrong image. I compare it to the propaganda of a laundry product.
Thirty years ago, they are spreading a product that revolutionizes the wash. This new soap makes white clothes, so they promised. Well, spent thirty years and say the same thing today. Too bad had to has been the product then thirty years ago, if only now, the product of the same company, but with a new formula makes your clothes white.
The propaganda is a lie from the smallest details. They do so with the Music, the surprised and happy faces, and the colors. Examples are the images of the beautiful beaches or the mountains in Swiss towns.
Although no one disputes its beauty, but nature is not very generous with sunny days, and often wrapped around in a fog. Propaganda photos do not show the days when teams of models and photographers are waiting for days without fog, rain or shine, also don´t show if mosquitoes are attacking, and trash and broken glass are contaminating the sand.
Why I talk so much about propaganda? Because NASA and astronomers get us into our heads, as must be the universe.
It is ridiculous; Marsrover, and satellites of Mars and the moon are sending hundreds of thousands of images, but all in black and white. Yes, it is to save power and memory, it would be better to send half of the images, but with optimal color quality. Slowly we have become accustomed to these black and white photos. If you suddenly saw an image of interplanetary origin, in color, and with this confirmation I bet each of yours, that yes, much of yours have negative emotions against the image, and to him who has made the visual sample.
First, they say, that this is false. He did want to deceive. It’s a forger.
Who thinks he that he is? The colors are wrong, never seen this place so, not in dreams. It is not serious, yet another, he wants to play with us. Show a color image is like to advertise for the devil.
My bet is a free ride to Mars via my Blog Ovni-Digiart or Mars and Ufos Mysteries. Right, these pictures are not original. Are false, but not any deception, because I told you, they are color corrected images for myself.
To my defense I do, what is more logical. I show a picture as I suppose, it could be Mars.
I have still a small part in my brain, which is not saturated with advertisement, this is the creative part, that every human being has at his disposal. Imagination is something very special in human being.
All my life I imagine, how would be the truth behind the creation. How would be beings and animals from other worlds?
Never came to my mind, everything would be black and white. The spectrum of the sun, and any sun in the universe, contains this variation in frequency.
The frequencies are there, no matter which sense the nature produces in its evolution.
They can be eyes in all its complexity or simply cells, like our skin, which not sees the sun, but feel a part of this frequency, which translates into heat. Other cells or other senses can feel the vibration or the heat which a living beings or simple hot objects reflected.
I think, that is enough to understand, that to see and display color images is not an anomaly.
30 years show the opposite, that's an anomaly, a lie and a deception.
Dear readers, these images show a beautiful play of light and shadows. In a short time between the different images were taken in the same day or the sol, in this case in the sol 2228, you can see the obscuring of part of the Martian soil. The right part of the images are completely in shadow, and only a strip in the center of the images are lighting.
That means something very normal, not be because of the misleading information I would never speak of that. A cloud moves in the skies of Mars, and cover for a moment the sun's rays.
It's that simple! Clouds in a blue sky moving and do their little game with the companion of the light, I speak of the shadow. This image shows a blue sky, light and shadow perfecting all that with the sand, and all this there on Mars.
A detail, but very important to me further supports my suspicion that the sky is the same color, we have become accustomed. In one part of the Mars Rover Opportunity reflects the sky, and if I am correctly, I can see spots, or pixels in a blue tone.
NASA's deception is nothing more that the propaganda of the soap to wash clothes. Garments that cannot be blank, or shall we say clean, because not all tissues are white (since there are humans there are also colors in all its utensils and in his clothes).
Nature is the product of sunlight, and has in its inside parts one of their frequencies. Which of the frequency is appropriate of each species will be to choose by the evolution on the place of their origin.
Greetings Josef Bauer