Although in the day's of photoshop no one can be 100% sure, these two pictures of Peugeot's upcoming 4007 SUV seem mighty official to me. If you're wondering what this vehicle reminds you of, take a look at the 2007 Outlander as the Peugeot 4007 is based on Mitsubishi's mid-sized SUV.
The two companies (PSA Peugeot-Citroen & Mitsubishi) had signed a cooperation of agreement to build three SUV's last year-the third one will be badged as a Citroen C7. The agreement plans the annual production in
The only suspicious thing about the pics is the fact that, according to PSA's preliminary press release in 2005, the models of all three brands Peugeot, Citroen and Mitsubishi (European version) would be unveiled at the 2007
Technorati Tags: Peugeot+4007, SUV, Citroen+C7, Mitsubishi+Outlander, PSA, autos, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, autos, Carscoop, Geneva+motor+Show, 2007