A thorough check on all Honda websites and a few PR phone-calls later we were still left in the black. And then we remembered: the JAS Motorsport developed, FIA Group N and Group A homologated Civic Type R (our pics). A closer look at Autoexpress' images reveals interesting details like the roof air-intake and the bonnet clips. So unless the Brit mag got the “scoop” of the year or they got their hands on a still unreleased, UK Honda developed special version, I’d say they just drove JAS Motorsport’s race edition and just “forgot” to mention it... Check out Autoexpress' article here and tell us your opinion. Pics Via: JAS Motorsport
Technorati: Honda, Honda+Civic_Type+R-R, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, autos, Carscoop, blogs, 2007, images, pictures