Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Discovery of New Microorganisms in the Stratosphere
Three new species of bacteria, which are not found on Earth and which are highly resistant to ultra-violet radiation, have been discovered in the upper stratosphere by Indian scientists.
The Analytical Findings are Summarized as Follows:
In all, 12 bacterial and six fungal colonies were detected, nine of which, based on 16S RNA gene sequence, showed greater than 98% similarity with reported known species on earth. Three bacterial colonies, namely, PVAS-1, B3 W22 and B8 W22 were, however, totally new species. All the three newly identified species had significantly higher UV resistance compared to their nearest phylogenic neighbors.
I think we don't need more to know. Bacterial life und fungal life about our heads, living isolated from our civilization in a very danger and hostile environment. They are living there without protection of the hard ultra-violet radiation and the cold thin air. Three new species of bacteria, which are not found on Earth, are discovered and more of them are to be found. Its great. Extra-terrestrial life about our heads, and we are not believing that we ever will found there in the entire universe. Are we stupid? We are!
Josef BauerCredit:http://www.isro.gov.in/pressrelease/Mar16_2009.htm