Monday, June 22, 2009

The best liquid water and life evidence at Mars



In the “Hirise- ESP0128731075RED.abrowse ,Image”, I found, and I say it, with absolute security, once again, evidences of liquid water, and biological Mars life.

Little times in my blog, I express myself with as much vehemence and as much security, as today in the publication, of these evidences irrevocable, of life in Mars.

I thought much, before publishing this evidence of life in Mars.

Now I put myself in row, or able to side, of other investigators, more known, like Mr. Joseph P. Skipper, or the discoverer of the Mars face, Mr. Richard C. Hoagland. biolifeinlake_0_thumb1

Also I expose myself to the attacks, of the opponents to the extraterrestrial existence of life, wherever he is and in which form that is.

The history shows, that all these investigators, who managed to discover true, tests of Ufos, extraterrestrial lives, or contact with them, today, or in all history of impossible devices and many others of these facts and secret things, were persecuted or bothered in their honor and personal and professional credibility.

The risk is not small, to give to the opinion publishes, clear and unquestionable evidences, of secret things, facts that are hidden, already so many thousands of years of the public opinion.

But also, the more people they have it, in its computer, the less danger has by the evidences in if, of which they are lost once again.

As a unique carrying person of knowledge, no longer is so important, when she shares his discoveries with others. Internet in this sense has an uncontrollable force contrary to governments or hidden groups of the power.

Now to the photos, those are a true surprise.


In means of this image a lake with liquid water and a colony of a new form of life is seen.


I already found many forms of life, that it still does not publish, for the mentioned reasons above. But this form is special. It lives in a lake, which can as well be, that this is a little congealed in the surface, but not as much, that the roots, or other organs of this form of biological life could not arrive until the vital liquid.


These circles have in their center a small one enlarges shining ration, that can be the head or the brain of each individual.

It is a colony of individuals, but accountable.


I am going to study more deeply this image and in future deliveries; I am going to present/display extensions of this news article. I give you the number of the image and you can go to investigate by his self. If you are copying my images or the text, of my news article, you should put the Link to my Blog. Thus it can take knowledge more People.

Greetings Josef Bauer


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