The Mystery of the Olmecs is not clear. Only a stone sculpture testifies to this great Mexican jungle culture. They appeared 3550 years ago and remained as an Indian tribe of unknown origin, almost 1700 years in power in the occupied territory.
They had modest knowledge of astronomy, and knew how to work extremely hard stone, like basalt. Since, and because heavy stones brought from the quarries of over a hundred miles away in low places, is not known. It is said that they lived in the heights of some volcanic mountains, and eventually began looking for more fertile land. You will be working very hard materials, it means having tools toughest yet.
But we are talking about ancient times, far more advanced cultures in metallurgy. What were their tools?
It is possible that a group selected of the gods received tools that serve as weapons and as shapers of stone, like a modern laser? A laser can be easily cut any material; you can burn and evaporate rocks.
They used a laser to carve the stones and at the same time used the laser in case of defense. A portable laser would be the ideal tool for sculpture in stone and for defense against enemies. An example of the use of advanced technology is in these robots or soldiers carved in stone, but with details so precise that only a frontline observer could have made this sculpture.
Often these drawings in stone or this stone statue are distributed at the fantasy of an artist. There are not much surrealist artists in the modern era
Not much surrealist artists in the modern era can do it. Because of that surreal paintings are so expensive.
The fantasy of something that does not exist is very difficult for the human mind. Create surreal things, and turn it into hard a material which is difficult to manage, is a superhuman job, for Mind and body. More likely, it was a testimony or a replica of something real, existing and in view of the artist.
Why many scientists are always looking for explanations in fantasy, in the abstract, when they know that thinking abstract costs the human mind much more than copy something existing.
The reader of my thoughts should not forget that they had no white paper in packs of five hundred sheets to draw what he wanted. Today is a drawing dashed, what does not like and was repeated in another clean sheet. Do the same with a stone that someone brought a hundred kilometers away and letting go of your fantasies surreal.
I would not dare, or to begin. What if the supplier of the stones does not like the portrait Horrible? It could be a certain death of any artist. That is what became of stone was in front of the artist as a replica made. That is, what was done in stone was in front of the artist, as did the grip. The surrealist was born in modern times, with enough material to reach without concern that you like someone or not. But never in the old days was work done with so much sacrifice to any Art being modern, surreal or fantastic. The art never had a room for the madness of a great dreamer. Thus, an any and all culture, art is the best testimony of a culture. All that is seen today in thousands of year’s old stones is a copy of a moment of time. A moment frozen in time to tell what you saw in those days. Like this: no other explanation.
What I see in these statues of soldiers is a witness and not a fantasy of anyone or me. Soldiers have a technological device in his hands. I do not care if it is or could be 3700 years ago.
There he is. It is not a weapon to fight. It’s not a stick to hit someone. There is no something sharp. It is simply a device that can shoot energy at a distance. Be a laser to pierce or burn the enemy or a Taser to shoot electricity I cannot say, but it is something to attack or defend on distance away. Not a weapon for a melee fight.
But even more evidence as a sign of advanced technology. The grip of this weapon is ergonomic correct. The balance of this weapon is accurate and ergonomic .The word ergonomic is used in modern science.
The modern designer today is advised by doctors and the anatomist and any implement is adapted to the anatomical shapes of men. The use of a computer mouse is an excellent example. It adapts to the shape of the hand.
All the movements should be smooth without fatiguing a muscle. The hammer of today is no longer a heavy stone, but a smart tool, well balanced. So this weapon is also well suited to a man’s hands and the strength of a man.
The Olmecs had contact with the gods of space.
For some reason, may be that the Olmecs received by their gods, these dangerous weapons for its defense whiles the gods are not.
I imagine that the return of the gods goes late or the no comes ever more, and the energy in these weapons release over time, and lost their effectiveness. This was the moment where other tribes rose to the rule of the Olmecs.
If I’m wrong, is not by much.
Greetings Josef Bauer
the video:
the video: Olmecs laser gun