Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More than one folk chosen by God

Report: # 115

There was another people chosen by God

The stones speak more, as the scriptures.

I discovered, in addition to Israel, most other people, was chosen from the gods. The Olmecs, and their heirs, the Toltec’s.

This connection is not clear yet, but the treasures of the Olmecs were saved and hidden, when finished the power of the Olmecs.

As in the sects of the West was also in South America a group of shamans who kept the secrets and technological power they had in their care.

Just as the sacred ark is kept care to this day in some secret place and hid hundreds of years, some requirements in the past were given to the people of the Olmecs of the gods themselves.

When then comes the right time they give all or some artifacts to the new Toltec’s tribal society and the Toltec’s could use this artifacts what helped them to gain more in authority to other tribes.

The Olmecs, a Tribe, Mexican peoples, who lived in the jungle in southern Mexico 3500 years ago is the mother of the cultures of Central America. Also, the empire of the Incas claimed for itself.

The Origin of the Olmecs is mysterious and cannot be satisfactorily clarified. They share this experience with many ancient cultures. The secrets of the Olmecs remain more likely by the loss of documents, whether they were once written, or directly by lack of documentation in place and at the time of those times.

As I told many times, luckily each culture begins just start a partnership with cultural works, works of art. With reliefs and sculptures and statues and scriptures engraved in stone.

These are the unique testimony of glory days of the daily life of a people in motion. This relief tells us many times with full compliance to be accurate, and not work of fantasy, the relevant facts.

Although sometimes as tell some very normal day work from the time as bringing water from a well with a with a jar, which was formed from clay and to hard it was possibly burned in furnaces as is done today with plates of table, tea cups or containers for ornamental plants, not seems to assert the effort of carving such a scene in stone.

But luckily no one thought like that before. Today we can read between the lines, between the drawings of ornaments and even they tell us much of their sense of aesthetic and beauty. The ornament shows that they were cultured.

They knew, thus, are so beautiful and lovely then put these ornaments in and around a story.

The same thing we do when we put a picture of our beloved in a special frame. Sometimes carved wood or less cultured today used because their lowest price, plastic frames, imitating something that previously was at least as cute and so difficult to do as the picture itself, whether in oil or stone. The framework for a relief of whatever material is the final point, the completion of a work.

Just talk about the sense of aesthetics, which conveys the fact itself, that relief has a frame. Not yet analyzed the reason for the scene, or even less material and the tool used for the manufacture of a relief.

Analyzing the set of all, gives us much more knowledge of an artist and ergo of its people that reading the scriptures which in turn logically crucial keys to understand and know the names of rulers, names of the people....

But in case of the Olmecs, we don’t know how they were called. Only other people, who survived them in time, given them names and in this case they called them Olmecs.

If a people spent on works, means they have enough to eat. And at the sometime the can feed people who do not produce food. This means that the work is organized. A group goes hunting, other crops, others are in housing constructions and manufacturing of weapons and utilities such as plates of table, clothing...

Yet we need for more analysis writing letters. We read a lot. We know a lot, without analyzing the contents of a relief.

What we know so far? We know that a tribe in the jungle, normally busy of survival starts a new behavior.

They were sitting in one place. There they were building houses and cultivated plants in their surroundings for food.

This jumping behavior was never delivered with sufficient respect and with a sharp surprise. It is taken for normal.

It is not normal! Instead of hunting, you put a seed in the ground and wait five months and harvest the fruit, grain or whole plant.

You have to invent new tools so that it seems impossible that they have done over and over again. If you change today being a writer at a desk in your office for example, to be a biological food producer on a farm, without chemical use and far from civilization you have to prepare all the tools you need.

You now hold in your mind the plan of many of them. You have the patents on many devices in your head, and turn it around in the jungle in something useful with the materials, which gives you the jungle.

In the case, if you did not know which tool to use to prepare the land to plant. Who gives you all the ideas in an instant?

You also want to know, when comes the moon to be full, when the time was come colder or warmer. Which seed is planted on what date and what to do with the seed after harvest and at all from where you become the first seed to begin the cycle of planting and harvesting?

How can you eat them? Who invented the grain milled and mixed with water, the pasta? And who put them the first time on a hot stone to bake the dough.

It is easy to eat bread every day, but it was easy to invent?

It’s easy to bring water into a glass, or jar, but who tells you all that, how to make a jar with clay, water and fire and that you can use it to store almost any food, not only water.

If you want to look in a mirror you have to know first that there are and second you have to know from what material they are made.

You still yet cannot do. The Olmecs had mirrors, that alone by itself was a miracle.

Almost like a hologram the image is reflected on either sides that is about or things that are closer to the mirror. This requirement in itself is an OOPART, which is an artifact out of time.

An artifact not known and less still manufactured in stone, not Silicon, which is the burning sand, the glass. Possibly another gift of a god to a human goddess.

There are many inventions that man certainly did, but almost every culture, which began well from one day to another, speaks of divine teachers, gods who taught them everything.

That was it. The man always received instructions from the gods. If hi not did hear what they told him, hard were the consequences.

If peoples are aware of all the sciences at the same time and also capable to feel love for the beautiful, the aesthetic in the works, to the works of construction of a dwelling, whether a temple or a house itself, then one part is missing in the evolution. Knowledge is the sum of experience or of teaching work.

Also a company, societies, a technology, an organization must evolve.

Or someone creates it. God gives some instructions and then as a supernova, a solar flare, a people rises.

If temples are built with technology, knowing the direction and the axis of the pole, knowing the cosmic frequency that crossing the earth diagonal hundreds or thousands of times, then it’s not wrong to speak of teachers, trainers.

The gods always accompanied man.

The gods created the human being as his image as the Bible says true to his lyrics.

Some people were more loved and more important ones for the gods than others. Not all people are equal before the eyes of God.

Some people took from the surface of the earth as the wind blows the sand and drops in the desert. In contrast, other peoples gods provided a safer life, and with more power against their enemies. We are not and never were equal before God, or gods.

Moses and his people were elected and thanks to the sacred texts and transmitted in written form until the present time it is known that.

The Olmecs were a people also elect of the gods. Only in another place and unfortunately got loosed and missed all this culture, except their works in stone.

These statues of soldiers of the culture of the Toltec’s, which are placed in the city of Tula with the name of the Atlantean giants, have a very modern look.

They carry unusual artifacts or not invented at this time. Not only wear shoes, pants, shirts or sweaters with long sleeves, batteries for military equipment including weapons of Laser and Taser.

They fought on the distance and not in a melee fight.

God gave arms and batteries and light reflectors to the people of the Olmecs.

These people were elected from the gods in this part of the world, but the gods got away or absent for any reason, and leave everything in the hands of a group.

These elite solders got their powerful weapons for the defense of his chosen people. These People were faithful to their god. Only for the great trust that the gods had in them, give them weapons made of the gods. An enormous privilege. The Olmecs were left 1700 years in power, which means the great power they had at their disposal.

Olmecs used weapons of the gods, just as Moses!

When gradually disintegrated the society of the Olmecs, as in all the cultures in history has done, those initiated into the sacred secrets of a sect or a group of shamans began to withdraw and hide all that was sacred and waited for a return of their gods whenever they would come back.

That happened hundreds of years later. There is give all or some of these artifacts hidden to the new leaders, the new protected from the gods. The Toltec’s were the chosen heirs.

Of that, some other time!


Josef Bauer

The Weapons of the Olmec

the video: The Laser-Gun of the Olmec

Laser-Gun or Taser in the hands of the Olmecs


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