The “Thrustpac” is a propeller driven motor that gives you an extra push on any non-vehicle mode of transportation of your choice. This “Green Machine” will help you achieve over 150 miles per gallon on a standard mountain bike without pedalling. Each ThrustPac is tailor-made, and prices vary according to weight and power with prices beginning at $895 and running through $2000. It comes in three different power specifications, from a 12 pound four-stroke pack offering 10 pounds of thrust to a 20 pound (weight) pack offering 20 pounds of thrust from a two-stroke motor. 

The device is controlled by a special glove, which allows the rider to accelerate or slow down simply by flexing their index finger. Find it kinda of dangerous? Oh, be adventurous. Apart from the fact that you’ll have to be extra careful with your finger, (scratching any parts of your body is strictly forbidden) what else could possibly happen?
Posted by Dani
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