Shawn Crosby, aka Obi-Shawn, is the mastermind and creator of this spaced out ’95 Honda Civic del Sol Si that’s been converted into an approximation of an A-wing (the delta-shaped fighter that stared in Return of the Jedi). The replication includes side-mounted laser cannons with electrified plasma balls, light saber rack, authentic Rebel Alliance flight and blue under-chassis lighting.
A facsimile of R2-D2's head pokes out of the trunk and makes “droidish” beeps and whistles. This sound effect was achieved my stripping the voice out of an action figure. Behind the dash you’ll find a Mini-ITX motherboard with DVD-ROM and a 60-Mbyte PhatNoise PhatBox MP3 server. I wonder what kind of influence this would have on a police officer stopping you for speeding: “Never mind kid, you’re weird, just go.” Posted by Dani
Via: Motorpasion & Wired