We couldn’t believe our eyes either when we saw the current bid for actor John Schneider’s (aka Bo Duke) General Lee on ebay a few minutes ago but it’s true; $9,900,001 and there’s still 3 1/2 hours left before the bid ends! Totally unbelievable -especially when you think that the last time we checked (March 2) the bid was $2,3 million! According to Schneider, this particular ’69 Dodge Charger appeared in the last Dukes of Hazzard movie, "Dukes Go To Hollywood", with Warner Brothers using it as a template to build all the General Lee's featured in the movie. We’ll keep a close eye on ebay and return with the final price. I still can’t believe it; 10 million bucks… -More "multimillion" General Lee pics after the jump

Link: ebay Technorati: Dukes+of+Hazard, Dodge+Charger, General+Lee, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, autos, Carscoop, blogs, 2007, images, pictures